Short Law Firm, PC | New Life Story
Experience And Insight To Help You Discover New Possibilities

Establishing Paternity

A DNA paternity test establishes the natural and legal father of a child who is born when the parents are not married. Through a paternity action, the court gives the child’s biological father the rights (such as custody and visitation rights) and duties (such as financial support and health care) of a parent.

Experienced, Practical, Responsive Service

At Short Law Firm, PC, I offer many years of focused family law experience and responsive service to my clients. If you have a child outside marriage and need assistance in establishing child support for the child, or an order outlining custody and visitation rights, I can assist you in a paternity action. My clients appreciate my positive, helpful and energetic approach in helping them through a difficult time.

Resolving Conflicts

If the parties can come to an agreement regarding the father’s rights and obligations, I can draft a detailed paternity agreement. I will do all I can to ensure the process moves as efficiently as possible. If the parents cannot agree on the issues, I can seek assistance from the court in a paternity court action. As a certified family mediator, I encourage clients first to try negotiation and mediation to resolve the dispute. If the parties cannot come to an agreement, I will go to trial as a last resort. Although I can offer aggressive attorney representation, I remain sensitive to the unique issues that determine how each case is handled.

The Paternity Help You Need

Fathers are important to all children, for reasons both practical and emotional. If you have questions regarding a paternity test, child support, visitation rights or other parental rights, contact me through this online form, or else call my office in Plano: 972-813-9959.