Short Law Firm P.C. Family & Entertainment Lawyers
Experience And Insight To Help You Discover New Possibilities

Addressing Domestic Violence

Conflict can occur in any marriage. It’s simply part of living with someone. But when the conflict turns violent or abusive or there are allegations of that, you’ve got to take a step back and consider your options.

At Short Law Firm, PC, in Plano, I can explain your legal situation clearly and help you make the right decisions when domestic violence is at issue. I serve clients in Collin County, the Dallas Metroplex and throughout North Texas.

Child Abuse, Domestic Abuse And Protective Orders

Family violence is a very serious matter. If you or your children are victims of family abuse, it’s first and foremost a safety issue. I can help you pursue a protective order or other necessary legal relief. You do not have to stay in a relationship where there is a risk of violence.

If you and your former partner are no longer together, but your ex-partner is stalking or harassing you, you have the right to seek an order from the court directing the other person to stay away from you. As a Plano domestic violence lawyer, I can tell you what types of orders are available and take strong action on your behalf.

Resolving Issues After Domestic Violence Allegations

Spousal abuse is often an issue in divorce proceedings. If a spouse has committed acts of family violence, it will be a major factor in decisions about custody and visitation.

Because divorce cases can be so emotional, I know that allegations of abuse must be investigated thoroughly. Things get said and done in the heat of the moment, and sometimes they lead to unfounded allegations. Whichever side of the allegations you’re on, as an attorney, I can tell you where you stand legally and help you through this difficult time.

Steady Guidance In Hard Situations

I provide experienced representation in family cases involving domestic violence issues. Call 972-813-9959 or contact me online to schedule a consultation.